39% of College freshman won’t make it to their junior year . . . because the parents have run out of money and the student can’t earn enough to make up the difference! We are experts at building a plan for you to fund college, for every one of your children! Every plan is custom built to meet the needs and dreams of each family. Your plan will not be the same as your neighbor. Would your life be any more peaceful if you had a plan to pay for college which was guaranteed to work? Sure it would!

Calculate Expected Family Contribution (EFC)
  • Most parents have no idea what their EFC will look like.

Provide Planning Recommendations To Reduce EFC

  • Contrary to what some people say, there are situations where you may be able to lower your EFC.

Provide Financial Aid Award Estimates For An Unlimited Number of Schools, & Recommend Additional Schools To Be Considered

  • Our motto: “Find the right school, for the right price, and pay the least amount!”

Provide Recommendations For The Best Way To Pay Your Share Of College Costs

  • Some parents don’t want to help kids with college. Why? They are afraid of how it will impact Retirement Dreams
  • We’ll help you determine the right amount and help you find the best way to pay for your share.

Provide Cost-Efficient Borrowing Strategies To Help Keep Financial Goals In Line, Along With Cash Flow Strategies for College Years & Beyond

  • What if you or your child need to take loans to help cover the costs?
  • Who’s going to counsel you on the best loans? The bank? You better re-think that!

Provide Complete Financial Overview On College, Cash Flow, Retirement & Develop A Plan To Improve Each Area

  • As a bonus, your plan will not only help you pay for college without going broke.
  • Your personalized financial plan will take you beyond the college years, and into your years of retirement.

Provide Strategies That Legally Protect Your Savings & Retirement Accounts From The Financial Aid Formulas

  • If your money is in a piggy bank, you’ll still lose financial aid!
  • We’ll strategize with you to make sure you receive the most financial aid possible

Provide Strategies On How To Possibly Use Your Home Equity So That It Helps, Rather Than Hurts, In The Financial Aid Formulas

  • Using equity from a home has become a popular way of paying for a child’s college dreams.
  • It can sometimes be a double-edged sword if not dealt with correctly – you could end up losing financial aid.
Request A Free Consultation

Would you like to find the right school, for the right price, and pay the least amount? We are experts at college planning and funding. Learn how to get a custom built plan, created for the needs and dreams of your family.